Friday, September 28, 2007


I'm not sure if I spelled my title right...

The serious part:

Why is it so hard to read the bible everyday. Why is it so hard to take the time to pray enough to develop the relationship with God that not-so-deep down I know I want. It's not that I don't know He's there or that I'm just blatantly living in sin...It's just that I'm not where I could be or where I should be. Suggestions and advice from the 2 or 3 of you that read? haha.

The not-so-serious part:

EECU has been a really amazing job. I have learned SO much from it, and the people I work with are great. But I teach 15 kids on tuesdays, nothing but trombone, and it is splended. I'm going to Austin this weekend to see UT play Kansas State, and to play Halo 3. WOOO! Ash and I are considering forgoing Christmas presents and buying ourselves an XBOX 360. I had dinner with Andrew Rivas last night and it was great to catch up. And i'm paying off dem bills! I'm going back to school.

1 comment:

Tammie's Thoughts said...

The answer to part one of your's never easy for ANYONE and if they say it is, they are lying...Satan is always there putting something more pressing or someone or some more fun activity in your way...he does't want you to have time to concentrate on your Bible study or prayer and your relationship with God...Chrisitanity just has to become a lifestyle and with that lifestyle comes a hunger and thirst for His word and the desire to talk to Him even through the Holy Spirit when you don't have the words...God bless...