Saturday, September 10, 2011

5 things

1. Twitter - cause i don't feel the need to accept everyone as my friend...and i can be more honest there. and then go and get a good laugh by re-reading old tweets.

2. New Jersey - never did I think that I would be thankful for my time there. But lets be honest - I made great friends there, played great music with even greater musicians there, I got a terminal degree there (well...almost). And I got fat on AWESOME food :-)

3. CFL - aka Command Fitness Leader (not Canadian Football League...sorry Ed). The chief who is charge of this is very down to earth, knowledgable, and is probably 1% body fat, IF that. I can ask him anything about food, diet, exercise and he is always willing to help.

4. Chris Sanchez - My tough, cuban-italian, sometimes vulgar, foul-mouthed friend who has a friggin' heart of gold. Just don't tell anyone.

5. RTC - cause now I have a reference point to look back at when I think things aren't going well...and I can say that I've definitely had it worse.

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