Monday, July 30, 2007

Why not

I've been sitting here in front of a computer in a Hotel in Washington D.C. for about an hour now. I just auditioned for the second time for the U.S. Navy Band and according to them, did worse (however I thought It was actually better). No advance, no problem. I've never seen the buildings that make up our nation's capital before, so I'm going to fix that today. I've also decided to start up this blog because it looks better than xanga, though I doubt I'll be able to keep up with it. I haven't exactly been good at keeping up with the last one. All my names I wanted to use were used already. Even bobtheelephant, WHO uses that?!? Such is life I guess.

This business of auditioning is absurred. Musicians (and I am not bragging by any means) must have some sort of fierce drive within them to hit the audition circuit. How else do you explain spending 400 bucks everytime you want the chance to audition under incredibly unfair odds? Ask them, and they'll probably just give you the same answer I would - something along the lines of "you just have to" or something akin to "paying your dues" or "you have to lose 99 before you win 1." Cliche but true. I could tell you the story of the associate principal trombone of the L.A. Phil who literally took 99 before he won an audition. I don't know if he was fudging the figures abit when he told that story or not, but that just means I have...90 more to go. Here I come ASO.

Ryan Rice is coming to visit before he goes on a date up here in D.C. I miss my jersey friends, and my searcy friends, but I can't really complain. I have a good job back in Arlington, TX and I have a wonderful wife. I have a God that refuses to give up on me, thank Him. I have no idea what he has in store for us. I guess we'll see.

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