Sunday, March 16, 2008

You're Arrogant! You're Aloof!

The title is a quote from the musical that I am touring with. Jo March says this to Professor Bhaer before their relationship turns into a loving one, after Professor Bhaer speaks his mind to her, which she asked him to.

As unfortunate and as embarrassing as this may be - I have a problem.
I can be an arrogant moron. I've always had a problem with it. Sometimes it has been under control, and other times, Pride's ugly head seems to look very much like me when I look in the mirror. I know that I am with people in saying that the 2 hardest lessons for me to learn are lessons of patience and humility.

There is a stereotype within the musical world.
Sopranos and Trumpet players = Arrogant/cocky/condescending.
This is not always true, but sometimes I wonder if perhaps I should've played trumpet...and then I am reminded that my lips are WAY to big for all that. The trombone sounds better anyway ;-)

Forgive me if you've ever had to put up with this side of me. *Cue jokes* (I can take em!)


Tyler said...

You say trumpets are arrogant. Maybe they're overly confident and just vocal about it.


Tammie's Thoughts said...

What about if we ever had to just put up with you at all?

Just kidding...we miss you!

Ian said...

I don't know if it's arrogance when it is painfully obvious you're the best. Like all through my band career when every director I ever had told me daily to play "correctly" and to forsake my inner-trombonist, I would simply laugh on the inside and pretend that I hadn't heard him. Ignorance is bliss, but obvious superiority is even better.

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