Thursday, January 10, 2008


Love is a good thing. Painful in a good way at times. I LOOOVE my ashley :-)

We were watching MASH last night, season 4 I believe where Col. Sherman Potter and Captain B.J. Honeycutt arrive on the scene. I have made a MASH fan out of Ashley, it took some patience and forcing her to watch it...but now she really enjoys it. I think that it's an aquired taste.

I was reading in a friends blog the other day about a literal spiritual healer. And yes I do believe that on occasion, the spirit is manifested in this way. Just perhaps not as often as back in bible times (if you will. haha!)

I'm playing the waiting game at this point with Grad Schools - the two that seem to be working are Stonybrook University (a part of the State University of New York system - located on long island) and my former institution Rutgers University. Temple has also been a option, but it has been terrible to try and get any contact with them. I guess they aren't willing to work with me as far as auditioning is concerned. Or perhaps I just have the wrong person, or wrong email...or maybe both.


Tammie's Thoughts said...

Good luck on grad school! You'll get in the right one eventually...just keep praying! Whoever gets you will be really lucky.

Ian said...

I vote for Temple. Philly is awesome, you know. We could party all the time and I could teach you how to play the trombone correctly (left-handedly).